
January 15, 2021


The start of a New Year naturally brings wonder about what lies ahead. As I pray about my pastoral and professional plans, hopes and expectations for 2021, I find myself asking myself, “how” will I approach the experience of living in the New Year.   

My answer to this important moment of wonder is to continue to abide in the Word of God so that I may continue to abound in the works of God. As I journey alongside each of you as you encounter God and engage the ministries of Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, I’d like to ask you each a similar question: How are you abiding in God and abounding in all areas of your life and Christian journey?
While we are discerning goals and hopes for the New Year, it’s in our human nature to dare to set our plans. While we begin the New Year in response to the invitation to start again, our expectations in the New Year are informed by our experience of living last year. Whatever we have carried over with us into the New Year, it is my hope that will continue to abide in Christ as we are open to new ways of abounding in the works of God. 
I am what I ought to be.”
In the journey and experience of living in 2021, let us continue to abide in the Word of God and abound together remembering that we are all in this together and that whatever affects one of us, affects us all.
Wishing you each a peaceful and blessed New Year!

Rev. Perzavia T. Praylow, PhD., Pastor

(Click Here for January Prayer and Praise Newsletter)


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