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December 31, 2016

Telling Children About Christmas

The Very First Christmas
A long time ago, in a small Jewish village in the Middle East there was man named Joseph and a young woman named Mary. Joseph, who was a carpenter, and Mary were engaged to be married. Joseph had a dream that Mary and he would have a special baby, sent and blessed by God, and they should take very good care of the child. Mary also had a vision. She saw and heard a beautiful angel, who told her that she would be the mother of a most wonderful baby; who would be...


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November 26, 2016

Mr. Trump's Victory and Thanksgiving

Sermon – Luke 17: 11-19
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. And happy 175th Anniversary month. There! Now no one can say that I did not begin on a positive note! As you are aware we are having a series this month of guest speakers to celebrate our founding. Today is a gap in that plan and so you are getting the "same old same old" and to boot I was challenged by the Worship Committee with a most difficult task: to be sure I included all the different major events and feelings effecting us at t...


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August 1, 2016

We Go High


I believe what Frederick Buechner has said about tears is true: "Whenever you find tears in your eyes, especially unexpected tears, it is well to pay the closest attention. They are not only telling you something about the secret of who you are but, more often than not, God is speaking to you through them of the mystery of where you have come from and is summoning you to where, if your soul is to be saved, you should go to next."

I thought of this last week as my eyes were welling up...


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July 27, 2016

Doubling Down

I have been away on a family vacation for the last two weeks and it has been a blessed wonderful time of our extended family all in one household; seeing the beauty of the sea shore, experiencing 24 / 7 the raucous joy of small children expressing their own individual spirits, while sometimes (not always smoothly), learning to get along with others; the pride of seeing my own grown children as adults in all their maturity and wisdom, already surpassing my own. I thought it would be pure joy but...


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June 23, 2016


On the eve of remembering and recognizing the horrible killings at Mother Emmanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina, we woke up to the news of 49 new killings in Orlando, Florida. Not in Europe, or the Middle East, or in some far off "killing fields", but basically on the streets, schools, churches, and restaurants and clubs we all call home.

I confess to you a tiredness. A dryness of spirit. A bewilderment. I understand evil happens. I understand it involves mental illness. I...


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April 27, 2016


Change is built into the fabric of life. We all experience it, not only by initiative and choice, but it is simply a big part of what it means to be alive.

Sometimes we try to avoid it by holding on way too tightly to present conditions or looking fondly upon the past or the way things used to be. Psychologists tell us that we have selective memories about the past, remembering and embellishing the good and often forgetting the bad. But it almost doesn't matter, all things change, like it o...


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March 29, 2016

A Happy Easter Tide

A Happy Easter Tide to one and all. I share with you for the week ahead a quote from my Easter message from the author Frederick Buechner that means a great deal to me. "The proclamation of Easter Day is that all is well. And as a Christian, I say this not with the easy optimism of one who has never known a time when all was not well but as one who has faced the Cross in all its obscenity as well as in all its glory, who has known one way or another what it is like to live separated from God. In...


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March 17, 2016

Donald Trump and a Field of Dreams

I guess the Donald Trump "phenomena" has got us scratching our heads, if not, holding them in our hands.


I love baseball and baseball movies. There is an academy award winner called "Field of Dreams". At one point in the movie, the James Earl Jones character gets to go into a mysterious Iowa corn field to explore where old baseball players and baseball dreams end up. Kevin Costner wants to go too, but can't. The conversation ends up with Costner admitting ironically what he really wants to k...


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March 7, 2016


I wonder when we talk about forgiveness in church whether everyone's eyes glaze over.  Borrrrring.........We have talked about it so many times before what is there left to say? We all know its the right thing to do. Most of us feel the words "grace and forgiveness" are the foundation - the essence- if you will, of our faith. It is what Christianity is all about. Here during lent, we talk about atonement - At One Ment with God through Christ, meaning the forgiveness of our sins and we forgiving...


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January 24, 2016

Jesus' Ministry Begins

Jesus' public ministry begins at his baptism with the words many of us know by heart:  "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased".
The angels whisper in Mary and Josephs ears. Jesus is born. Poor people (shepherds) and rich people (wise men) visit. Herod reminds Jesus and his parents of just what kind of a world that he has been born into. Before we know it, Jesus is 12 and disobeying his parents doing his own thing.  And now Jesus is 29 or 30 and of all the ministries or chur...


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